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Here’s How you Identify The Problems with an Automatic Transmission’s Torque Converter

Automatic cars dominate a fair amount of the market share in global automobiles. However, the most fascinating thing about automatic cars is their self shifting gears. A driver does need to be bothered about gear shifting during a drive.

An automatic transmission takes the responsibility of managing the gears according to the engine’s RPMs. How is it able to manage gear shifting? The short answer is a device in the transmission system, the torque converter.

Torque converter does the duty to convert power from the engine into hydraulic pressure that eventually manages the shifting.

As a result, each time your car changed gears, you instructed your torque converter.

The torque converter plays the role of a hydraulic pump and it facilitates a coupling between the engine and the transmission. Usually, the torque converter consists of fluid.

However, many people might think of a failing torque converter as an entire transmission failure, but that is not the case. The confusion results from the striking similarity and connection between the symptoms of a failing torque converter and those of a failing transmission.

However, a qualified mechanic is the best person to assess the problem and identify the real cause of concern. Let’s have a look at these points to decide on a visit to an auto shop.

The gear starts to slip

A gear slippage genuinely seems to be a transmission system issue, but it could be a failing torque converter in an automatic transmission.

However, you start to experience some sort of shuddering when the torque is bad. It usually occurs during a gear change.

When the torque converter starts malfunctioning, you may feel shuddering and even slip in overdrive. Because, its torque converters work to convert engine torque into hydraulic pressure smoothly so that your transmission perform its duty o engaging and shifting gears.

Additionally, you might hear some sort of noise due to a faulty torque converter. However, all these symptoms also hint at proper transmission issues.

Despite the cause of concern, you have to visit to a qualified mechanic at a trusted auto shop such as Service My Car for real issue and solution.

Transmission system starts to overheat

Similar to the warning for engine overheating, your car will inform you when the transmission is overheating. However, since it causes the transmission fluid in the torque converter to boil over, gear slippage is the main cause of transmission overheating.

It may eventually begin to boil, which could lead to an overheated transmission. An overheated transmission is a concerning symptom because it may prevent you from shifting gears or result in additional internal damage to the transmission.

As a result, the torque converter is unable to completely and effectively transfer that power from the engine to the transmission.

It is not advisable to continue driving with a high temperature in your car’s transmission. You can rest for a while or opt for a car recovery service from Service My Car to get your vehicle to a nearby workshop.

Transmission fluid has developed leakage

The main function of transmission fluid in a car with a manual transmission is as a lubricant. While its function in automatic vehicles has improved, it now serves as lubricant and aids in creating hydraulic pressure within the torque converter.

Therefore, the importance of transmission fluid to the torque converters' health and functionality has increased.

Transmission fluid leaks are frequently caused by torque converter seals because they are prone to damage and eventually wear out.

You shouldn't take any chances whenever transmission fluid is visible to be leaking. It is a first indication that something is wrong and, if ignored, can result in serious internal harm.

However, you might be confused about finding a trusted car repair centre that can offer you proper remediation. You get a car transmission repair by a qualified expert.

Vehicle hesitate to shift completely

If your vehicle starts to hesitate to move at all, this is a failing torque converter that is not working properly.

A torque converter failure won’t let you get your vehicle to move, neither forward nor reverse, because the torque converter is not doing its work properly to change the gears as per requirements.

A complete jam hints at something serious with torque converter and needs immediate attention from an expert. You can search for a Audi specialist near me on the web to opt for Audi service Manchester at a reliable service centre.

Your vehicle can not accelerate properly

An automatic transmission may become sluggish when there is a problem, especially with a torque converter, because it depends on the torque converter to maintain synchronisation with acceleration.

When you press the accelerator, it physically trembles as if it's having trouble accelerating as it normally would. This could be a sign of a transmission issue, and the torque converter is probably to blame.

Consulting with an expert would be great initiative if you find some sort of issues, especially those highlighted above. An automatic transmission is a complex mechanism to asses as well as repair.  You can avoid costly repair or unfortunate incidents by taking a timely visit to Service My Car.

Just book a car service online or order a car repair quote at our website or app anytime.


The Most Critical Car Troubles (And Why You Shouldn't Avoid Them!)

Being punctual with a car maintenance schedule is great, but does it suffice to have these visits to a workshop. Absolutely not! A car might need a number of fixes or tune-up now to prevent critical car problems.

But waiting until the next scheduled maintenance appointment is not the best thing for your car or for you personally. While some repairs can wait until your next scheduled maintenance appointment, others must be attended to right away.

The following is a list of some urgently needed critical car repairs.

Lack of response from brakes

The majority of the time, your car needs to visit a shop once a year or whenever it travels a certain distance.

This does not, however, guarantee that the car will not experience the most critical car troubles between routine maintenance visits. There is a good chance that your car will experience problems like slow response time on the brakes. And, it might need some testing to check out the proper cause of concern.

While the majority of auto experts advise replacing brake pads every 50,000 KM or so, there are a few easily observable signs that could mean you need new brakes sooner than expected. When braking, if you hear a high-pitched noise or a grinding noise, consult a professional mechanic immediately.

Your car might need fresh brake pads right away. However, service my car should be your preferred choice.

Your car may ask for new set of tyres

A vehicle makes its initial contact with the ground through its tyres. The right tyres, inflated to the right pressure, can make a huge difference in your car's handling, performance, and even gas mileage even though they carry all of the weight of a vehicle.

However, even if you consistently maintain the ideal pressure, this does not ensure safety from deterioration. However, there are ways to delay deterioration. The best one is tyre rotation, especially after your car has travelled 10,000 or 12,000 km.

It is obvious that tyres have a finite lifespan and must be replaced at some point.

If you wait too long to replace them, you might wind up with bald tyres that make driving more risky. But you can't help but put off getting new tyres even when you go for a pressure check at least once a month or whenever it is necessary to prevent critical car troubles.

Additionally, never attempt to drive with a flat tyre because it could do more harm than good. However, Service My Car offers roadside assistance for these circumstances and you just need to call once.

Opt for Engine Diagnostics if a check engine light appears on the dashboard

Modern, sophisticated vehicles have all the essential information available on the dashboard. There are numerous lights and warnings on the dashboard of your car. Some of them convey simple information such as fuel level, engine temperature, etc., while others are critical, such as the check engine light.

There might be a number of issues that can prompt a check engine light to lighten up. However, you should not take this for granted when it comes to engine.

Consult a mechanic as soon as you notice the check engine light because the engine needs immediate attention. In many situations, keeping your car on the road for more than a few miles can result in anything from unsafe emissions to an overheated engine it may cause for the critical car issue.

You can search on the web for a car MOT near me, to opt for car repair and car MOT check in Manchester at a reliable service centre.

Do not neglect the windshield cracks

Although cracks are unavoidable, they are controllable. The cracks may appear if a piece of stone or wood accidentally touches the windscreen.

A cracked windshield not only impairs the driver's vision but also poses a serious safety risk. Since many workshops can repair minor cracks, rushing to one is essential to prevent further damage and critical car troubles.

A significant crack, however, would be difficult to fix, and in this situation, it might be a good idea to replace the windshield on your car.

A crack does not appear too substantial until it damages the entire windshield during a drive. However, a major threat is an accident when a crack breaks down while you are driving and blocks the front view. It can be avoided just by taking some precautionary steps if any crack appears when something hits the windshield.

Take your car to a reliable workshop such as Service My Car, so you can be sure you'll get a car windshield replacement that keeps you safe.
These above-mentioned points are critical due to their severity and impact on the vehicle. Whether your brakes aren't working properly or your check engine light just came on, you need to take immediate action to prevent further, more costly damage.

Some of the maintenance goes according to schedule, others do not. Take your car to your local service center for Service My Car as soon as you notice any of the cautionary signs.

Avail the best of our competent mechanics while you get service at a very affordable cost. Book a car service or order a car repair quote on our website or app anytime.


Here’s How to Rejuvenate That Spare Car Lying Idle in Your Garage

You cherish every bit of driving with your current vehicle until a vintage beauty on the other side of the road attracts you. Spare car enthusiasts cannot deny the sheer elegance of vintage automobiles. And if you are one of them, there are enough chances that you own one already or are looking to purchase one soon.

However, glorifying an spare car that has been sitting in a garage for too long requires some investment and effort to be back on the road. In case you are a bit serious about a spare car reviving, it is better to learn about such a dream restoration.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the most effective spare car restoration methods.

Deal with the engine first

Among all critical components, an engine deserves an inspection at priority. If there is a running engine, other components can function and vehicle can move.Generally, rust, corrosion, and grime that infiltrate inside the engine over time can cause the internals to seize.

There is a way to check the actual condition of a car’s engine. It requires the removal of the spark plugs and neutral gear. Next, attach a socket to the bolt that bears the crankshaft pulley and then clip the same socket with a wrench.

Now rotate it in the direction the engine typically spins. It does not take too much effort to accomplish this. However, you come to learn that engine components are rusty or can spin free.In case it hesitates to spin freely, just use some sort of lubricant in the cylinder, while automatic transmission fluid works best.

You can get a complete engine overhaul by a trustedmechanic at Service My Car.

Ensure the condition of gaskets, seals, and hoses

Unlike metal, rubber cannot fight with time and it degrades rapidly. However, the gaskets and seals are mostly made of rubber. There should be no doubt that they are the parts of a car to be taken care of in priority.

However, there is a head gasket around the engine along with a number of small and marginal seals here and there. It requires some sort of technical knowledge as well as effort to inspect as well as replace all of them.

Level the fluids up

You might not find any signs of fluid leakage, but that does not mean. The fluid level will be up to scratch and satisfy the quality criteria. There are a variety of fluids that keep your car running smoothly. If you try to make a list, you will find that coolant, engine oil, transmission, brakes, and axle require some type of lubrication in the form of liquid.

However, it is recommended to change all of them to be on the safe side if the vehicle has been resting for a long time. You can search for a Mercedes Benz service center near me on the web to otp car service and repair in Manchester at a reliable service centre.

Check all essential filters

There is fluid to lubricate, so the filters clean the fluids. Filters are the saviours of a vehicle as they block impurities. But, they tend to get clogged overtime due to continuous filtration. Under the hood, filters make their presence felt by cleaning the engine oil and transmission.

Besides, there is a fuel filter inside the tank and an air filter for the engine to suck fresh air from the environment.An automobile has certain critical needs and these filters are among the priorities, alongside others.

If you notice some sort of thing while driving, never delay your  visit to Service My Car. However, if you opt for a regular car service or car MOT check, never  forget to get an inspection by an expert.

However, professional help would be worth consideration and a qualified mechanic at Service My Car. It helps you with air filter replacement or oil filter replacement as per requirements.

Either replace or flush the engine tank

The fuel tank cannot be left unattended if you need a good quality fuel supply. There are two options in the case of fuel tank restoration. The first requires the entire reinstallation of a fresh tank, while the second needs to take some action to flush out the entire tank.

It requires you to attach a hose of a certain length and run it into a bottle. Or a reservoir of some kind after disconnecting the fuel line from the engine. Then, turn over the engine so that the fuel pump can do its work to flush the fuel out of the tank until it gets clean. Here, battery supply comes into action as there would be a supply cut to the engine.

Check out for any rodent damage

Apart from component deterioration, a rested vehicle might be the home to a number of pests and insects. While a vehicle’s wiring is protected by multiple layers of protection, a small cut may turn into a big one and invite a major disaster.

Take this opportunity to check for worn-out parts, spare car repair that has gone unnoticed, and other issues, along with any rodent damage.

Such damage is not taken for granted as rodent damage. Therefore, inspect your car frequently or pay visits to a workshop  such as Service My Car. Our experts are ready to serve you with your car issues including car engine repair, car transmission repair or car scanning and  diagnostics services on demand.

Test the brakes, transmission, and tyres before opting for an outing

Along with a working engine, proper fluids and intact seals help a vehicle to turn over easily. While the transmission, brakes, and tyres make a vehicle move. If any one of them is defective, you cannot expect a ride that can be sustained long enough.

Therefore, you have to be sure about these components by applying the brake multiple times to ensure their proper application and changing gears. Ensure any slippage and grinding. Tyres should be in proper condition to have enough tread to ensure proper grip and inflation.

A spare car restoration turns out to be a bit complicated but exciting at the same time. You cannot deny the joy of driving a classic beauty. However, such a restoration needs some sort of technical know-how, while it could be a simple project. If you look for the help of a professional at Service My Car.

You can repair your car at “Service My Car”  without letting it go anywhere. Our recovery driver will pick up your car at your location and give it back to you after servicing.

Whether you’re looking for a car service in the UK. Or you want to get a car repair in the UK. We do it all: Book a car service package, or request a quote for a car repair today on our website. You can also book at Service My Car Super App.

Service My Car brings exclusive services and solutions for all your car needs. You can easily book a car service package or request a car repair quote today on the Service My Car app or website.

Here, you get all your automotive needs satisfied under one roof. We can also help you with your car maintenance. You can book a car service on our website or app anytime.

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